Monday, April 28, 2014

An Apology

Okay...before you say anything about how I haven't put anything on my blog since those terrible life drawings 3 months ago, I just wanted to say sorry. It is just so stressful for me right now,(I am a Freshman in High School). I have 3 Honors classes, so I am on Track for the Honors Diploma, (Which means I will get some major scholarships for Calarts!), and Marching Band, (Which makes me wake up in the middle of the night with cold sweats). I am truly sorry for not posting any art. I am also working on my next Short Film. I had just finished the script, and now I am working on the storyboards (One of my greatest passions!) So........Here is a Character Design I have been experimenting with, "Ratty Rat"- yeah, don't ask.

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